Happenings 16 April 2020

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Just thinking…

Naomi Cowan is a fellow Baptist (yay!) who runs a mental health ministry based out of Windsor Park Baptist Church. She has shared the following thoughts, which I think make good sense for us all to engage with.

Well here we are with Easter out of the way and we head into Week 3 of lockdown. I don’t know about you but I am feeling a bit tired, a bit zoomed out. I have seen a bit of complacency starting to creep in with people I know being very ‘flexible’ around lockdown rules which I try not to let worry me but it does because of where it could lead – a longer lockdown timeframe and unnecessary exposure for vulnerable people to Covid-19. Things like this and the uncertainty that this pandemic brings to every area of our life can start to wear us down somewhat in regards to our mental wellbeing. 

If we are tired with uncertainty, rules and some worry [those around us] are too. Leaning into God more in our own personal time with Him as well as deliberately being connected with others will help keep perspective. However we cannot give what we do not have so we need to reach out to others, not only to bless them but to also receive ourselves. Remember this is a marathon not a sprint and you need to pace yourself. You need to plan connection time with others who do not drain you. 

Now is the time to be authentic, not stoic. … Just by telling ourselves it is normal to be experiencing some mental wellbeing issues during a pandemic is quite a loving thing to do for yourself. … There is something quite reassuring and inspiring about knowing you are not the only one having some worry thoughts, sleep problems or behaviours around excessively checking for symptoms. 

Plan for some fun. Because we are all suffering a bit from Lockdown fatigue – plan to have some fun. Give your head a little holiday. Do whatever is legal and fun for you. Maybe it’s just a few word games on your phone that you can take a break and play at regular intervals. Maybe it is playing cricket in the hallway with your dog or maybe it is a daily dose of something on Netflix. 

There are some new online tools to support which offer a range of supports for yourself or others around mental wellbeing particularly in relation to the pandemic. These tools help bridge the physical distance gap. Find out more about the Mentemia app, Melon app and Staying on Track e-therapy course [https://www.justathought.co.nz/covid19]. And of course, there is always the free mental health helpline 1737. The longer something goes on that we cannot control the more we can struggle with frustration.

Some good advice there, I think!

In Him,

This Sunday 19 April…

Being Active ... and Being Still: There will actually be two (shorter!) messages this Sunday which will give two complimentary perspectives on being the church in the current situation. Kelly will speak on the opportunities for action as a church; Murray will speak on the opportunities for rest.

Small Group Study

Over the next four weeks, Murray will be running a small group study called Archaeology and Jesus. This will happen on Mondays at 11am. If you are interested in joining, please email the office.

Kids Programs This Sunday

Because of the lock down, there will be no kids program going forwards, but we are looking to provide some resources for parents soon.

RBC Sunday Services

You can always re-watch any of the recorded RBC Sunday Services including the Good Friday and Easter Sunday ones. You can do this from our YouTube channel by clicking here.

mainly music Online

Our gathered mainly music sessions for young children have had to be stopped due to COVID19, but we have taken it online, and are posting weekly sessions for you to watch. Check out our Facebook page for these.

Ignite Youth Group

Please contact the church if you would like to find out what is happening with Ignite Youth.

Home Groups

Wednesday Night Home Group
Home Group at the home of Paul and Ruth Ungemuth every second and fourth Wednesday at 7:30pm. Each week we share in supper, do a bible study and pray for each other. Will begin on Wednesday 13 February. Contact the office for more information.

Thursday Morning Home Group
Home Group in the church lounge on the third Thursday of the month at 10am. After morning tea we do a bible study and pray together. Contact the office for more information.

Young Adults Home Group
Every Thursday evening at 7:30pm. Please email the church to be added to the Facebook page, and check Facebook for updates of what we have going on. We'd love for you to join us!

You can check out all our Sunday services during the lock-down from our YouTube channel by clicking here.