Just Thinking…
Last week in the service I unveiled the theme for our church for the coming year – Re-Connect. Life has pushed us apart recently, but I believe it is so important to make every effort to stay connected as a faith community. To assist with that, I outlined a number of commitments and initiatives that we will follow through on with the aim of making places of connection. These initiatives will be both physical and ‘on-line’, and if you haven’t viewed the sermon from last Sunday, I really encourage you to do so, so that you are are able to avail yourself of these connection spaces. I promised more details to come and I have provided these below.
Online Prayer Gathering – starting next Monday
On Mondays from 12:00 – 12:30pm there will be an Online Prayer Gathering for half an hour via zoom. The Zoom Meeting ID for this is 899 1193 9087 and the Passcode is: nd2fs6
A Physically-Meeting ‘Look at the Book’ (Bible study) Group – starting next Thursday
On Thursdays from 10:30-11:30am there will be a group that meets physically (at this stage, in the church lounge) for a Bible-focused study group. For those who can’t make it physically, there is the possibility to join in via zoom if you would like (please let me know).
A Physical Prayer Gathering – starting next Thursday
Following immediately after the Bible study group, there will be a prayer group in the church lounge for half an hour from 11:30-12:00pm. Those who wish to prayer longer can stay later!
An Online Book Club – starting next Thursday
This group, led by Sinia Saafi, will journey through a significant Christian book released in the last few years. Participants will read a set number of chapters each week by themselves, and then come back together online on Thursday evenings at 7:30pm to discuss its contents and implications with the wider group. In the first meeting, people will get the chance to decide together which book they will explore. Those people who wish to be involved will need to arrange to purchase the book themselves, but there is the possibility of securing some savings through a bulk order.
The Zoom Meeting ID for this is 833 5709 5309 and the Passcode is: tAu6ey
More details will be coming out over the next few weeks about some of the projects we want to engage with this year also, so stay tuned!
Finally, in last Sunday’s message, I also talked about Isolation Support. It is likely that many of us will either be infected by covid-19 shortly or be close contacts of those who are, which will require us to isolate at home. Those isolating will not be able to go out to shops for food, medicine etc., and will need support. If you find yourself having to isolate, please contact Olwyn Dickson or Margaret Gaiqui (their numbers are in the church directory - please let me know if you don't have a directory), and they will arrange to get a meal or baking to you, and to see what your needs are. Please avail yourself of this, and you also have my permission to ‘dob in’ others if you hear they are isolating! A wonderful group of phone callers has also been organised, and you are likely to hear from one of them shortly just to see how you are going. This is a time when our faith family truly needs to be family!
As always, please reach out to me if you have any needs or if I can help in any way.
In Him,
This Sunday…
This Sunday: A Mysterious New Series
"Oooh ... if only I could find out ..." I hear you say. Well, tune in this Sunday ... all will be revealed ...
Kids Programmes
There will be not Blaze or Spark's programmes running due to covid restrictions.
We're back! Our youth group meeting have started to run again. Please contact our youth pastor, Matt, for more details.
World Day of Prayer
Friday March 4th, 10 am
Venue: Remuera Baptist Church
All are welcome! The service has been prepared by the churches of England, Wales and Northern Ireland. There will be an opportunity to give an offering at the service or later online. Please contact the church office for more information.
Worship This Sunday: Gathered AND Online
It was so exciting to be back together in our church building again last Sunday, and we will be doing it again this week at 10am (with masks and vaccine passports)!
There will also be an online service available to view, and a link will be sent out to you at 10am on Sunday morning.
mainly Music
We resumed our mainly music session last week! We are currently having outdoor sessions at 10am at Little Rangitoto Reserve, (55-71 Upland Road, Remuera), close to the playground. If you know anyone who has little kiddies, tell them to bring their picnic blankets, some morning tea, and get ready to boogie! If the weather looks soggy, a cancellation notice will be put in the RBC Facebook page and an online session made available.
Home Groups
Young Adults Home Group
Every Sunday evening at 7:30pm. Please email the church to be added to the Facebook page, and check Facebook for updates of what we have going on. We'd love for you to join us!
Wednesday Night Home Group
Home Group at the home of Paul and Ruth Ungemuth every second and fourth Wednesday at 7:30pm. Each week we share in supper, do a bible study and pray for each other. Will begin on Wednesday 13 February. Contact the office for more information.
Thursday Morning Home Group
Home Group in the church lounge on the third Thursday of the month at 10am. After morning tea we do a bible study and pray together. Contact the office for more information.