Happenings 12 March 2017

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Just Thinking…

Today is the day we have been working towards for a while now. We have sought God in prayer over the last few weeks for his vision for our church. We were reminded from the book of Revelation last Sunday that Jesus has a unique plan and purpose for every local church, and that he communicates this to ‘those who have ears to hear.’ And so this morning we will intentionally create space for God to speak by his Spirit through us, his people. If you have prayed, and if you think you have received a sense from Him for our church, we would love for you to write it down, or even better, be ready to speak about it in the sharing time if you are comfortable doing that. The Lord may wish to communicate a truth through you about our ‘identity’ – who Jesus sees us becoming as a church. He may wish to communicate a truth about our ‘activity’ and mission – how Jesus wants us to engage with his world. Remember that when Jesus names things, he speaks truth that sets us free. After this sharing service, the leaders in the church will collect what is shared, prayerfully discern God’s voice, and then communicate back to the wider church in the near future. May we have ears to hear what the Spirit says to our church. In Him, Murray

Adult’s Church: In the Auditorium:

Sharing Service This morning we gather as God's people to ask him to communicate his vision for our church.

Kids’ Church

This morning, kids who are years 0-4 will be with Margaret Stewart in the downstairs Kowhai room. Years 5-8 will be meeting as a separate group, this week led by Mike Pummell.

Crèche: During the Service

Crèche for the under-5’s is in the lounge near the main entrance. This week it will be led by Ruth Ungemuth.