Happenings 13 June 2019

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Just thinking…

Have you ever been asked to bring witness about something? Maybe you’ve seen a crime or a car-crash, and been required to give your testimony in court. The role of the witness is to give evidence; it is not up to the witness to move from the witness seat and onto the judge’s bench. The right to bring a verdict still lies very much with the judge. The same applies to Christian witness, and in fact, the language of witnesses figures large in the New Testament. The first followers of Jesus (and every follower after them) had the role of telling people about their risen Lord. The actual belief and conviction in the lives of their hearers was the work of God’s Holy Spirit after hearing their testimony. So, what makes a credible witness? Firstly, people who are in the position of having something to tell. For the first disciples, it was the fact that they had seen, talked with and touched the Jesus who was once dead and was now no longer. For us, it is the evidence of God’s power and presence in our lives. Secondly, credible witnesses are those whose lives are consistent with their words; in short, those whose character shows integrity. That, too, is what we are called to – lives where our words and actions match, and where our ‘doing’ amplifies our ‘speaking’. It is not our job to convict – that job still belongs to God. Our role is simply to live to tell.

In Him

This Sunday 13 June…

When Fear Locks The Doors ...Our world is an increasingly fearful place to be for many Christians, and yet we are still called to be witnesses in it. What is Jesus' response to fearful witnesses? (John 20:19-23)

Kids Programs This Sunday

Spark is our program for preschool kids, led by Margaret Stewart.
Blaze is for kids in years 0-5, led by Olwyn Dickson.
Ignite is for young people in years 6 and above, led by Matt and Elisha.

The Non-Pub Pub-Quiz

On the evening of Saturday 29 June at 6:30pm, we will be having our 'Non-Pub Pub Quiz'! Bring $5 and get a team of 3-8 together (or we will put you in a team on the night). Pizza and ice-cream will be provided ... and remember, this is a GLOW event - so bring some friends! Register with Murray.

mainly music

mainly music for young children is every Tuesday at 10am in the church lounge. Newcomers are welcome.

Ignite Youth Social Night

Our next social night is going to be a good, old-fashioned movie night! We will be at the church on Friday 14 June from 6:30-8:30pm. Please eat before you come and bring $5 for a yummy dessert. Get ready for some popcorn and a good laugh!

Leisure For Pleasure

Next Tuesday, 1pm in the church lounge. There is friendly company, card and board games, quizzes, music or bring your own handcrafts. With afternoon tea to follow. All are welcome!

Ladies’ Lunch

We invite all members of the church community, young and old to join with the ladies on Saturday 15 June at 12pm for a special lunch and the screening of Candles in the Dark: The Story of William Carey. Lunch will be provided but a koha to cover the cost of the meal is appreciated. This screening highlights our current Self Denial missionary focus.

Can Drive

From Tuesday 4 June - Sunday 16 June, we will be inviting the community to donate food to the Glen Innes Food Bank. If you would like to be involved, please bring your non-perishable food items to the church or church office.

Film Group

On Tuesday 18 June we will meet at the Lido Theatre Manukau Rd, at 5.30 pm for the 5.45pm screening of “Tolkein”. Please email the office for reservations.

Home Groups

Wednesday Night Home Group
Home Group at the home of Paul and Ruth Ungemuth every second and fourth Wednesday at 7:30pm. Each week we share in supper, do a bible study and pray for each other. Will begin on Wednesday 13 February. Contact the office for more information.

Wednesday Morning Home Group
Home Group at the home of Joy Galt on the third Wednesday of the month at 10am. After morning tea we do a bible study and pray together. Contact the office for more information.

Sunday Afternoon Home Group
Home Group run by David and Heather Reid every second Sunday after the service at the Reid's home. We have a shared lunch which is then followed by a time of prayer and doing a bible study. Contact the office for more information.

Young Adults Home Group
Every Wednesday evening at 7:30pm. Please email the church to be added to the Facebook page, and check Facebook for updates of what we have going on. We'd love for you to join us!

Don't forget to keep your diaries updated with what's going on in the church!