Welcome to Remuera Baptist Church

Remuera Baptist Church

We are a group of very ordinary people who want to do the journey of life together, centered around this person called Jesus. We reckon he is more than just a figure from history; he is our Maker and our Rescuer, he is alive and well today, and we have found that when we do life with him we begin to discover what we were always meant to be. Those things might sound strange to you, but if you would like to explore starting a faith journey of your own, we  would love to see you at our church services!

You can also join in with our Sunday worship services online. These are made available on Sunday on our church Facebook page. You can also see current and past services on the church YouTube channel.


Latest News

Check out some of the things that are happening in the life of our faith community and also our latest e-communications.

mainly music 2024!


Our amazing mainly music ministry is back running for 2024! The program runs from 10 - 11(ish) with a music and movement session for half an hour followed by morning tea and the chance to connect with each other. Sessions are $4/family, and discount cards are available. You can turn up without registering to check us out!

Stiles and Swindoll write: All four Gospels indicate John the Baptist specifically fulfilled Isaiah’s prophecy of a voice crying in the wilderness that prepared the way for the Messiah (see Isa. 40:3). The wilderness of Judea today sits virtually unchanged since the time ...
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It's nice to be back in the 'hood, after a few weeks away! I hope you have been enjoying a more relaxing Summer vibe, and enjoying some quality speakers at our worship services in my absence. How are you approaching the year ahead? This Sunday at our worship service, I wi...
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Christmas is about the coming of Christ into the world. It’s about the Son of God, who existed eternally with the Father as “the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of his nature,” taking on human nature and becoming man (Heb. 1:3). It’s about the virgin bi...
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Our Team

Meet our team members


Murray has been a Baptist pastor for over 20 years and loves the way that learning to be more like Jesus helps us become all that God meant us to be. He is married to Kelly, has three growing sons, loves guitar, the occasional run, and a good DIY project he can throw his tools on to!

Murray Jenkins

Murray Jenkins

Our Youth Pastor, Matt, has been involved in Youth Ministry for the past six years. He is passionate about creating a culture that equips and empowers young people to love God and love others. He is currently studying at Carey Baptist College, studying a Bachelor of Theology/Diploma in Youth Leadership. Matt loves adventures and is keen for any excuse to head outdoors.

Matt Anderson

Matt Anderson

Orn is the friendly voice you will hear at the end of a phone call, and the one who holds all our admin together! She loves dancing, good Asian food, and has a bubbly sense of humour that’s never far from the surface!

Orn Bunjumnong

Orn Bunjumnong

We would really like to hear from you

So Get in touch with us